
MAP Board of Directors (2024)
President – P. Therrien;
Vice-president – F. Anderson;
Secretary – D. Duma;
Treasurer – D. Freese, PRP-R;
Director 1 – D. Gray, RP;
Director 2 – M. Goodyear;
Director 3 – H.  Ewasiuk, PRP;
Director 4 – M. Denby.

If you need to contact any member of the board,  please send your request to: president@parliamentarians-mb.ca

MAP Education Committee (2023-2024)
Chair S. Winning, D. Freese,  D. Gray, and F. Anderson.

If you need to contact the members of this committee, please send your request to: info@parliamentarians-mb.ca

MAP resources
MAP Brochure

How to have better meetings